You may be hearing a lot about the beneficial effects of a juice cleanse, but maybe you’re not sure you should or could do one. Juice cleanses are typically done for anywhere between 1-7 days, and believe it or not, you’ll actually be consuming a decent amount of calories, so you shouldn’t feel tired or dizzy if you’re doing it the right way. If you have any health conditions, check with your physician before starting a cleanse.
Here are some points to consider before, during, and after a juice cleanse:
Determine Your Motivation
Whether you want to jump start your health journey, lose weight, undo a period of unhealthy food and drink choices, or give your body a chance to recover and renew, it's good to know why you want to do a juice cleanse because this reason will serve as the goal that motivates your cleanse.
Choose a Convenient Time
Completing a juice cleanse requires some planning. You’ll want to pick days of the week and dates that won’t interfere with social events or responsibilities that could knock you off track. Your cleanse will require you to consume significant amounts of juice at specific intervals throughout the day. So, you’ll want to be able to keep an eye on the clock, be close to a restroom, and avoid solid food temptations. A quiet weekend at home is a great time to do a juice cleanse.
Drink Enough!
Daily intake of juice should amount to at least six 13-ounce servings of juice, which means you’ll drink one serving every 2-3 hours if you start at 8 a.m. and finish between 6-8 p.m. You should also drink plenty of water and herbal tea during the cleanse in order to maintain energy levels.
Load Up on Veggies
Vegetables such as spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, carrots, and beets should make up about 80% of your juice. Aim to add low sugar fruits like blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and kiwi to your juices to boost flavor.
Add Something Solid
One of the toughest parts about doing a juice cleanse is the desire to chew something when we’re hungry. If you feel an intense need to chew, or if you recognize that you need some additional sustenance, go for something crunchy like carrots, celery, or cucumber. These vegetables, which contain a significant amount of water, will help you feel fuller and satisfy the need to chew without disrupting the nutrient absorption that occurs during a cleanse.
Avoid Vigorous Exercise
If vigorous workouts like HIIT or heavy weight lifting are part of your exercise routine, it is important to avoid these energy consuming activities during a juice fast. Opt instead for a walk around the neighborhood, gentle yoga, or a light workout on the elliptical. Overdoing it could leave you feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or zapped of energy.
Eat Small
In the days that follow your cleanse, you’ll want to slowly introduce solid foods back into your system. To avoid an upset stomach or bowel issues, eat small meals and snacks consisting of nutritious, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, eggs, and other natural sources of fiber and protein.
No matter what your juice cleanse goals are, What’s Juicin's Unleash Life juice cleanse kits are packed with the high quality, organic nutrients that your body needs to attain them. Our cold-pressed, raw, organic ingredients are thoughtfully combined to create a variety of nutritious and delicious juices to drink throughout your cleanse. You’ll be improving your health and enjoying every sip!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.