The short answer to the question, “How often should I do a juice cleanse?” is that the frequency of juice cleanses can vary depending on the person and the goal. There isn’t really a right or wrong frequency when it comes to a juice cleanse, and the answer is different for each individual.
In order for juicing to assist with your weight loss goals, it is advisable to complete a 3-5 day juice fast once or twice per month. A juice fast will promote weight loss by reducing the number of calories you’re consuming and by eliminating processed, sugary foods, which are addicting and cause weight retention, from your diet. It is important to note that juice fasting is effective in achieving permanent weight loss only when combined with a moderate, nutritious diet during non-fasting periods.
If you’ve gone days, weeks or months without sticking to a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, a juice cleanse is a great way to detox the body and start fresh. With refined sugars, toxins, and animal proteins out of the picture, our bodies can truly absorb and use the powerful nutrients found in organic fruit and vegetable juices. You could choose to complete a juice cleanse for detox purposes one day each week or once a month for 3-5 days. The frequency you choose depends on your body’s individual needs.
When our system is not working so hard on digesting the foods we eat, our brain functions at a higher level. Juice fasting provides serious doses of nutrients in a form that is easy to digest and use, so our brains can focus, problem solve, relax, and think more clearly during the cleanse. As with detoxing, the frequency of juice cleansing for mental clarity is a personal decision. However, a 3-5 day fast will be more beneficial than a 1 day or half-day fast when it comes to achieving mental clarity. You may choose to juice fast for a few days prior to an important event or assessment, or maybe you need to give your brain a well deserved rest after a stressful week at work. And whether it’s 1 day or 5, your brain and body will thank you.
If you want to use a juice cleanse to restore balance in your gut, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to drink juice for one meal per day. This goal requires a diet that is consistently low in sugar and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all which aid in the flushing of destructive bacteria from the gut.
No matter what your goal or how often you decide to complete a juice cleanse , What’s Juicin’s products are made solely to support you on your journey. Take a look at the many benefits of juicing and check out the variety of raw, organic, cold-pressed juices we have available.
The post How Often to Complete a Juice Cleanse first appeared on What's Juicin.
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